Hamumu Wiki

Buddy Bunnies are "Goodguy" monsters in Dr. Lunatic with Expando-Pak and Fun Pack and Dr. Lunatic Supreme With Cheese. It is often the player's task to protect Buddy Bunnies from harm. There are three types of Buddy Bunnies.



Buddy Bunny

Dr. Lunatic Monster
Dr. Lunatic
Name: Buddy Bunny
HP: 30
Scan Text: My first idea for the fun pack - a monster that was utterly harmless and it was your job to protect. Kind of like that old arcade game Crossbow! Fun! Anyway, they look nearly identical to Doom Bunnies. That's because grey and light light brown were the only colors that they looked decent in. Using Buddy Bunnies properly is pretty complicated - take care with them and test thoroughly!
Category: Goodguy/Animal
Recolored?: Grey Doom Bunny
Miscellaneous Info: Wanders around randomly unless placed on tiles marked Bunny Path; only follows the path as long as it can go forward and leaves it and starts moving randomly if it can't go anywhere but back.



Buddy Bunny:Determined

Dr. Lunatic Monster
Dr. Lunatic
Name: Buddy Bunny:Determined
HP: 30
Scan Text: This is another form of the Buddy Bunny. In the game, the player just sees "Buddy Bunny" for the name. Unlike the normal Buddy Bunny, a Determined Bunny never strays from its path! A Determined Bunny is suited more to specific puzzles that require an exact solution while the Buddy Bunny is more freeform. The truth is, the Determined Bunny is vastly more useful, and you may never use a regular Buddy Bunny at all! But they're good to have for crowds of civilians or something like that.
Category: Goodguy/Animal
Recolored?: Grey Doom Bunny
Miscellaneous Info: Walks in a straight line on tiles marked Bunny Path, turning randomly if it comes to a T-Junction. Never strays from its path. During normal gameplay, this monster's name shows as "Buddy Bunny"



Buddy Bunny:Follow

Dr. Lunatic Monster
Dr. Lunatic
Name: Buddy Bunny:Follow
HP: 30
Scan Text: Another fun flavor of Buddy Bunny! This one is my favorite, and I have to say the 'AI' on it is pretty good... it looks like they're actually intelligent (well, unintelligent, but conscious). And they don't block you in much either, because they automatically get out of your way. These guys could be used to make some righteously fun levels, so get to it, world builders! Rescue the bunnies!
Category: Goodguy/Animal
Recolored?: Grey Doom Bunny
Miscellaneous Info: Only appears in Supreme With Cheese. Once the player moves close to these, they will follow the player fairly closely.

During normal gameplay, this monster's name shows as "Buddy Bunny"
